BYP Spotlight: Bryah


Name: Bryah
Neighborhood: North Braddock
Grade: 10th grade
BYP Team: Media

Who is someone you look up to, and why? “I look up to August Alsina, because he believes you have an opportunity to be something.”

What’s your favorite quote? “Learn to take rejection as motivation to prove people wrong.”

What are you afraid of? “Skydiving.”

What was one thing you always wanted to do? “Travel the world.”

What do you want to be when you’re older? “Nurse.”

What has this program done for you? “Made me open to people and outgoing.”

Giant Eagle Foundation!

We would like to express our tremendous appreciation to the Giant Eagle Foundation for their generous donation that has permitted us to upgrade four of our computers this year. Prior to said donation, the youth at BYP were using computers from 2008, many of which are so old that they are no longer even covered by tech support. Now they can make use of the newest Mac Minis on the market. Thank you, Giant Eagle!


BSYP Media Team: Week 2

Hi again!

We just finished Week 2 of the 2016 Braddock Youth Project Summer Program, and the Media team once again has reflections to share with you.

This week, the fashion workshop focused on Changing the Silhouette. That means that we changed the shape of old garments-mostly old t-shirts, and some jeans-and upcycled them into great new pieces. We also plugged away at the mosaic, smashing tiles and arranging ceramic pieces where they’ll go on the actual mosaic. We also spent a day in the library’s print shop, learning to screen print and designing a month for a BYP calendar.

But that’s enough from me. Read about the youths’ experiences!

Group 1: Split Designers

Group 2: Wavy

(Wavy also includes Ian Jones and Teshara Milligan, who had to leave before writing their reflections this week).

That’s all for this week! Tune in again next week to hear about changing the surface of garments and more of the mosaic process!

(And, of course-follow our instagram!)